

This moment

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.


April~ Seriously?

April, wow really?  In a mere month planting season will begin.  But where did the time go?  Yikes I had better get planting!

We had an unseasonably warm and virtually snowless winter here in New York.

What have we been doing in April?

I have been trying to get the Hubs to finish cleaning out the garage (in his defense it's been a long and slow process).  I have so many projects sitting in there I want to get finished! I got some wonderful bright yellow paint the other day to paint an outdoor coffee table and a children's rocking chair.

We were so patiently waiting for our chickens but found out they will not be ready until next month.  Which is fine, we are still trying to figure out names and we had to do some repairs to the coop.

We have tiny white strawberry flowers starting to pop up!  Hooray for strawberries!

I NEED to plant my tomatoes.  I wanted to start them 6 weeks before but I forgot to last week.  UGH I need to just DO IT!!

We have been hiking.  The Hubs loves hiking and apparently so does Little Bird.  I like to hike, if it is an easy hike.  Little Bug detests hiking.  Is it bad that we still carry our almost 5 year old in a backpack carrier?  Maybe but it is the only way we can enjoy our walks!

Little Bird had her first T-ball practice which went surprisingly well.  I was asked to be an assistant coach, I was not expecting to be that involved with the Little League organization but I will give it a shot.  If anything it will help me get to know some people who live in the area.

Oh, April.......Can I turn the furnace off or not?  Should I wear flip flops or sneakers?  Please make up your mind!